Tuesday, 30 September 2008



I hurried down today to see if the fish had survived. I could not find them. The pond appeared empty. I looked everywhere, even lifted out the bridge mad from a brick to see if they were hiding. Not a thing. Just as I was wondering whether the Kookaburra which occasionally takes a bath in the pond was to blame a streak of gold flashed across the pond. Wow, they are fast. I still have not worked out where they hide but I have seen two of the three now. Just awaiting for the third to appear.

It still looks like an empty pond but they are there....somewhere, perhaps in another dimension? With the dolphins?


pommygran8 said...

Cute work with the video! didnt realise all those excellent actors were in the movie either.....

Lise said...

Fingers crossed the 3rd one decides to turn up!!

888 The Av 'n Gav Show 888 said...

A B C D Goldfish E D E no goldfish (can remember the rest) the dolfin show wonderful, thanks