Tuesday, 2 September 2008

More photos


Slowly the photos are coming in. Here is one as we were preparing for a coffee stop. Our theme for the day was Dr Who. And yes, I knitted the scarf myself.

This winter for me has been cold. It may be that the house is a cold one but there have been times I have been sitting watching TV with my coat and scarf on with the heater going too. I am looking forward to the warmer weather.

On Saturday I am taking the car to the St Marys Street Parade with more Bash cars. So today I have to replace the siren as it seems they want a lot of noise. Makes a change I suppose.


KMP said...

That's a very impressive scarf. I had no idea you could knit. Your family is always full of fascinating stories about the hidden talents you all have :-)

Have fun with the siren on the weekend - Joel will wish he was there no doubt when I tell him.

Lise said...

Love the scarf!!!