Thursday, 4 September 2008


So I had to post that picture with the Dr Who scarf in it. Pommygran8 found a special ball of wool in our usual Department Store, (read Charity Shop) and gave it to me. "So knit me something", she says. I think the fact I have retired and have "nothing" to do is getting to her, especially now, when she has to get everything regarding her business ready for the accountant.

Most people I meet ask what I do with my time now I have retired.

I now have time to pursue all my hobbies. In fact, I don't have time to pursue all of them. Too many. I will eventually get round to them.

Last year on the Bash, we led the parade as we were winners the previous year. Here is a link to some photos of that trip courtesy Zoom Productions.


Lise said...

Is the scarf pattern a secret!?!?

Everapominoz said...

Which pattern? The Dr Who scarf? The pattern is here.

Pommygran8's? Just knit until it is finished basically.