Monday, 8 September 2008

The K9-K9 (Can-Can)

Well, here it is, the Bash Idol prize-winning performance at The Da Vinci Club, Wangaratta. First clip is the rehearsal, (there was only one), and then the performance. Thanks to the ladies of car 656, (last year's outright winners and joint Bash Idol Winners with K9) for the makeup and the video. It was perfect for the occasion.


KMP said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have been waiting on this for weeks so am so glad the 09/08/08 has come around and the video has been launched. Well worth waiting for. Loved the brassieres ... Angie has outdone herself yet again with the costumes.

TomDiggleHarry said...

Well done! Well done! Great Can-Can act, love it - laughing out loud.