Sunday, 24 August 2008

Bash Costumes
I am slowly going through the photographs I took on the Bash and of course, I don't feature in many. I am putting up four of the costumes we wore. There will be more photos as soon as they become available. This is just a sample of Pommygran8's skill in costume making. If anyone out there has any of K9 and crew, we would be grateful.


KMP said...

We love them all but if pushed our winning vote is costume number 2 .... closely followed by costume number 3.

We're blown away by the costume design - I know where I am running to next time I need something for J's next school play!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lise said...

You have the most amazing costumes!!! Esp after our dancing episode on Friday...wasn't that hilarious!! Look fwd to seeing more of them!!

888 The Av 'n Gav Show 888 said...

These cossies look so much better on you than us!!!!