Wednesday 20 August 2008
We are still getting to terms with winning the Spirit of the Bash Award for 2008. Already we are thinking about next year and wondering where the destination will be. There are rumours that there will be a national Bash with all the different state Bashes meeting in Alice or Uluru. 
This year's Bash was very different in that it rained for 9 of the 10 days. Virtually no dust.
Hopefully we can sort the car out without having to remove the engine this year. Always optimistic.
It is getting difficult to upstage ourselves for next year. We have video of our performance of the Can Can for Bash Idol. This will be available on on the 8th of September. 


888 The Av 'n Gav Show 888 said...

Looking forward to seeing your dance as well

smoke and mirrors said...

cant wait to see the vid