Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The Blame Game
Yesterday I said how I'd gone to the place who had reconditioned the cylinder head of the engine. And in discussions had ascertained the most likely cause of the problems we had.  No-one to blame, sh*t happens. Yet, if I had listened to the advice of many people on the Bash, I'd be suing the pants off them for botching the job. Why is it that there has to be a scapegoat, a need for someone to take the blame for someone else's misfortune? 

This is a photo of one of our coffee stops. As you can see it is pretty messy, (now that's an oxymoron!).  We will have to streamline it for next year. The green object on the tailgate of the ute is our instant hot water supply which works a treat. The water comes out hot enough for a cup of tea. Save a lot of time heating a pan on the camping stoves. Trouble is, after packing all the coffee gear, there is not much room for anything else.

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