Thursday, 31 July 2008

7 sleeps to go. I hope the weather warms up as some of the costumes we have may be a little breezy.

I read about the closure of many of the Starbucks outlets in Australia with interest. I must admit to having had 2 Starbucks' coffees. The first was when they first opened. The second was either Christmas Day or December 26 2006. I was working both days and Starbucks was the only coffee place open. Needs must.

I must admit I love good coffee. On the Variety Bash, when you are in the outback, good coffee is hard to find. So we bring our own. Last year Vittoria Coffee, who sponsor K9's coffee, loaned us an Espresso machine, which we set up at Syd and Pook Austin Homestead, Wambiana. It is amazing what the Austin can carry in the tray. Yes, we carried the machine, its table, and the umbrella in the back of the Ute. I must say it was well received. Starbucks, eat your heart out.
A welcome sight in the outback.

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