Thursday, 31 July 2008

7 sleeps to go. I hope the weather warms up as some of the costumes we have may be a little breezy.

I read about the closure of many of the Starbucks outlets in Australia with interest. I must admit to having had 2 Starbucks' coffees. The first was when they first opened. The second was either Christmas Day or December 26 2006. I was working both days and Starbucks was the only coffee place open. Needs must.

I must admit I love good coffee. On the Variety Bash, when you are in the outback, good coffee is hard to find. So we bring our own. Last year Vittoria Coffee, who sponsor K9's coffee, loaned us an Espresso machine, which we set up at Syd and Pook Austin Homestead, Wambiana. It is amazing what the Austin can carry in the tray. Yes, we carried the machine, its table, and the umbrella in the back of the Ute. I must say it was well received. Starbucks, eat your heart out.
A welcome sight in the outback.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

8(eight) yes, 8 sleeps to go. I am getting a little nervous, hoping we don't have a repeat of the several minor and one major problem we had last year.

I finally replaced the battery today. Last one did well, over 4 years. Better to do it now rather than in the outback, where the garages are few and  far between.

 Tomorrow marks a significant anniversary. It will be one whole year since I retired and wow, has the time flown.  One of the first questions people ask me when I tell them I have retired is "What do you do with your time?"  With my numerous hobbies, and the long term maintenance of the Austin, I have never once felt bored or at a loose end. I don't even have time for golf which I have not played for 10 years or so. 

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Only 9 sleeps to go. Why do I support Variety? Well, it is a children's charity, and on the Bash, we get to see where the money we raise goes. One of the most moving experiences is seeing a child who through no fault of their own has been confined to a wheelchair all their life, being given the opportunity to enjoy what most children take for granted, a ride on a swing in the park. Variety has donated many of these Liberty Swings.  The look of joy and exhilaration on the faces of these special children brings tears to all. 

Monday, 28 July 2008

Only 10 sleeps to go before the start of the Blacktown to Batemans Bay Variety Bash and I am starting to get excited  It has taken 12 months to prepare the Austin (entrant number K9) for the Bash.

 Last year on the trip to Darwin we dusted the engine. The Bash travels over dirt roads wherever possible and dust if it gets into the engine acts like an abrasive on the cylinders. We started using a lot of oil and sent clouds and  clouds of smoke behind us. We managed to finish the last 2000k of the Bash by driving under 80 kph and stopping to top up the sump every 100k. We stopped the smoke by diverting the oil from the PCV valve into a catch can. 

This year we have reconditioned the engine, brakes, and front suspension and have added a spoiler on the back which unfortunately has been taken over by a flock of ducks. 

The car is almost ready, but this being my eleventh Variety Bash, I know it will never be finally finished.  There is always something to modify or make better.

Pommygran8 and I have been packing the giveaways for children on the trip thanks to UKTV for their generous donation of goods and sponsorship for the car.

Pommygran8 has excelled herself this year with her sewing skills. We have different costumes for every day of the Bash and our entry in the Bash Idol competition should bring some merriment to all. Our final night theme is astounding. Here we are rehearsing.
Watch this space.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

My first day

Today is the first day of my Blog.

Having been presented with a brand spanking new Sony Cyber-shot T300 camera, I spent some time working out how to use it.
I normally walk to the gym so today was no different apart from the fact that I took my new video camera along for a trial. With some surprising results.